Tuesday, September 27, 2022

To Move Forward

 A few days ago, a friend mentioned that she is having a hard time and has so many challenges, with work and children and marriage, grieving for her recent loss and meeting the bills. And she lamented 'why me' but at the same time saying and consoling herself that many others have it worse. 

I am reminded by another friend who said, yes it might be true that there are others who are going through a lot of worse than us  - there is always someone better or worse, isn't it ?.... but that is not the point.... 

we all have our realities ....our issues and grievances and problems ...its our reality at a given point in time...  there is no need to feel guilty to feel what we are feeling...acknowledge and deal with it. 

Coincidently, I just finished a book and in it was these few lines that caught my eye

This horror will grow mild

This darkness light

And this too shall soon pass

  ...from the book The Fall by Rachael Blok. 

Onward and forward... my husband used to say this a lot to us in his last year...Onward and Forward...

Thursday, September 15, 2022


 'I have to be honest with you ...

          'Honestly, ......

              'Can I be honest ....

                     'Can I be honest for a minute....

                            'Look I don't like to lie and so I have to be honest ................

Our play with words ......How interesting that we sometimes begin our sentences this way .............. does this mean that all this time have we been lying 😅 .....really! ...honestly!





The Red Moon

  Once in a Red Moon          Our eyes dined in your light          Forgeting all if only for awhile          Yet there is cloud that shadow...